
We got greedy

We all fell into the trap, and now we're paying for it.

Somehow, most Mets fans, me included, actually believed the hype. We heard all the talk about how Pedro Martinez is in the best shape of his life and how he feels ready to go. We all thought he was back to '99 Pedro, back to the glory days of injury-free domination.

We couldn't have been more wrong.

As you most likely know, Pedro was forced to leave the game in the fourth inning after his knee buckled as he delivered a pitch. He immediately grabbed his hamstring and began limping around the mound. The trainers and coaches surrounded him like hawks and his was quickly assisted off the field.

Pedro is heading back to New York, and will receive and MRI on his hamstring this morning. With any amount of luck, hopefully he only suffered a strained hamstring, which might keep him off the disable list.

Pedro told reporters that he heard a "pop" in his leg, which is not good. A pop almost always results in a tear. If he has a tear in his hamstring, Pedro will be on the shelf for a long while.

I guess this is the perfect case of karma. We all fell in love with Johan Santana and his amazingness, so it only works out that our #2 guy would have to go down with an injury in his first game of the season.

As Mets fans, did we really thing we would have an injury free year? I think we got greedy and this is a sobering moment very early in the season.