
Castillo diagnosed with strained quad

Just as he was getting hot...

Luis Castillo will likely spend some time on the disabled list after pulling up while running into third with a triple in Sunday's game.

And MRI showed a strain in the muscle, which will likely put Castillo on the DL, possibly making some other moves easier for the Mets. If they game is still played tonight, which it looks like it will be, the Mets will need a spot starter for Wednesday's game.

If they put Castillo on the DL, and bring up Adam Bostick, as I mentioned before, and then activate Matt Wise after the game, everything seems to work out, though they will run without a bench player for some time.

This stinks. Just as the Mets got their starting lineup back and looked like they were starting to click as a team, one cog goes down. Here's to a speedy recovery and being able to pick up where you left off.