Here's how the promotion works: Fans can enter the promotion daily through June 24 at www.sfCallYourShot.com/2008. The grand prize winner of Call Your Shot will win:
- All-expense paid trip for four to the All-Star Game and State Farm Home Run Derby
- First class hotel accommodations in New York
- Tickets to a Broadway show
- $1,000 MasterCard gift card
The grand prize winner will also get the chance to pick a spot to which two of the Home Run Derby players must compete to try to hit a ball. If the first player hits the ball to the called spot, the promotion ends. If either player succeeds, the fan receives a 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe hybrid vehicle and a 2009 season-ticket package for any team.
Additionally, 10 fans will win first place prizes consisting of a $300 MLB.com gift card and 25 second place prize winners will receive $100 MLB.com gift cards.
Enticing, right? Go to SFCallYourShot.com/2008 to enter!I inquired about the fact that Ortiz will be out with a wrist injury and will not be able to participate in the promotion. Here's the response I received:
Although Ortiz’ injury will take him out of the actual physical hitting of the ball, he will remain the face of the promotion. Because he is not physically capable of taking the shot, there will be a contest amongst 8 other invited hitters and the top 2 will get to participate in the promotion, giving the fan 2 chances to win the big prize.All the more reason to enter!