For the past six weeks, my heart has been sporadically pounding in my chest as I sit on the couch and do nothing. Honestly, I'm just lounging around, browsing the web, petting my dog, and watching the New York Mets play baseball...
That's it!
The Mets are causing my heart problems! I've been to the doctor, so there's no reason to worry about me, and everything checked out fine, so it's nothing structural with my heart. It must be something mental, something deep down inside me that comes to a head and boils over. That "thing" is my passion for the Mets, and their roller coaster season.
We've all been there: the heart wrenching losses, the jubilant wins, and the anticipation of both. Maybe I need to take time off from the Mets, but if you know me, you already know that is not happening. It takes a lot to pry me away from the television, nad if I'm not at the TV, it's even harder to get me away from the radio. My computer is then next in line, as I grasp that until my knuckles are white, dumbly watching Gameday and waiting for it to refresh with the next pitch.
Last, and definitely least, I text Google on my phone for the score. I hate missing games. I don't know why, but if I miss a game, I just feel so out of the loop.
Anyway, these Mets, who have been harrowing on the edge of "firesale" and now are merely a half game out of first, have taken me on the roller coaster season of my life, and I don't think my heart, or anyones for that matter, was prepared for what has already transpired. So many ups, so many downs. They had been fairly equivalent before July, but this is a new month, a new team, with a new fervor amongst them.
One could only imagine what the rest of the season has in store...