
25 random facts about my Mets fandom

The latest craze on Facebook (Facebook me!) is to post 25 random facts about yourself. I'm going to put a little spin on that and come up with 25 random facts about my Mets loving side of life.

1. I own over 10 Mets hats. (Probably not a lot compared to some, but my mom likes to make note of it.)
2. My friend Jamie Palatini will never let me forget that I fell asleep during the 2000 World Series.
3. I have a large poster of Keith Hernandez on my wall that I'm pretty sure no one else has.
4. I can trace my fandom all the way back to when I received "Metty Bear," a stuffed bear dressed in a Mets uniform. I still have him.
5. My first game at Shea was Marlins @ Mets. (The date escapes me right now.)
6. I have a lucky (unlucky?) helmet.
7. My entire mother's side are fans of the Yankees. Only my father is a Mets fan.
8. I have at least one of Mets branded article of clothing for everything you could possibly wear, save for shoes and underwear.
9. I'm an avid New York Mets fan that has a picture of the five-year-in-a-row World Series winning New York Yankees hanging in my bedroom.
10. I have received exactly one baseball from my time at Shea Stadium. It was given to me by a girl who begged a member of the Braves coaching staff for one. She already had two others.
11. I want to be Mr. Met, just for one day.
12. I wish I knew more about the history of the team.
13. During the season, most things play second fiddle to the games.
14. I actually think I prefer watching games on TV. I'm not sure if it's because it's so expensive to go to the stadium or if Gary, Keith and Ron are just that good.
15. I only owned a package of games once. Otherwise, I just haphazardly buy tickets to games.
16. I have two David Wright plaques next to my bed.
17. I have a man crush on Wright, as well. (As if you couldn't tell, considering #16.)
18. I wish my name was Razor Shines.
19. Favorite meal at Shea: Hot dog, fries, drink in 3rd inning. Pretzel in the 7th.
20. I don't know the exact number, but I'm pretty sure I've seen more losses than wins at a game.
21. I once had a Mets belt buckle, but it has since gone missing.
22. The only autograph I have (in my house), from any Mets player, is the Keith Hernandez signed ball I bought for my dad.
23. I scream "Git! Git! Git!" whenever a ball has a chance to sail over the fence. My roommates hate it.
24. I also scream "Git down! Git down!" when the other team smacks one.
25. I know I will cry like a baby if I ever get to see a World Series championship.

Let's hear yours (you don't need to do 25)!