
Steve Phillips puts Mets bloggers over the edge

Here is a sampling of comments from around the Met-o-sphere on Steve Phillips’  words in the booth during last night’s New York Mets / San Francisco Giants baseball game.

Faith and Fear in Flushing

The only problem was I somehow forgot (or more likely blocked out) that Sunday night means Jon Miller, Joe Morgan and Steve Phillips.

Speaking of Gitmo.

The Eddie Kranepool Society

What you’re shocked that Steve Phillips sounded like a total d******g last night during the ESPN telecast? Whoever came up with the idea to add Smarmy Steve to the booth needs to be fired. Still smarting over getting canned by the Metssteve phillips eh Stevie boy ? Well you sucked as a GM and you suck as a TV analyst.

Brooklyn Met Fan

The only thing I had real beef with last night was that clown Steve Phillips who rocketed himself passed Miller, Morgan, and McCarver on BMF’s list of most hated announcers.

I’d almost rather listen to Suzyn Waldman and Sterling than Phillips… almost.


Okay, for those of you who became fans in 2006, let me give you a lesson in recent history. You see, Steve Phillips was the GM of the Mets. And while he was the GM of the Mets, he allegedly offered Jose Reyes to Cleveland for Robby Alomar, and also allegedly offered David Wright to Toronto for Jose Cruz Jr. So of course he would think about trading Beltran. He couldn't trade the other two when he had the chance.

The Mets Police

Phillips claims that Beltran is not the "perfect" player even though he has all the tools. He pointed out every mistake Carlos has made this year and said as a GM when it comes to 17 million a year he wasn't worth it. At least Joe Morgan was smart enough to disagree with him.

Amazin’ Avenue

Perhaps the most telling part of the whole broadcast was when Phillips had to deliver an obviously prepared presentation on Carlos Beltran being a five-tool player, after ripping him. Needless to say, he wasn't too convincing.
"Carlos Beltran doesn't always exemplify a strong mental game" or something like that, cue video of him not sliding into home. Forget the preponderance of statistical evidence showing Beltran to be one of the smarter baserunners ever. At that point, however, I just turned off the TV.


Steve Phillips makes my head hurt.

I’m sure there are many more blogs out there ticked off against Phillips after last night.  If you have any of your own to share, please hit the comments.

This could get ugly, and that’s just how I want it to be.