
The SNY takeover?

SNY, the Mets' cable channel, is in talks with local stations about providing sports reports for their newscasts, The Post has learned.

The sports channel is talking to both Ch. 11 and Ch. 4 about eventually doing away with their own sportscasters and replacing them with SNY reporters, according to sources.

-Michael Starr, New York Post

I find this intriguing as both a Mets fan a media nut.

I believe SNY has done a fine job of establishing themselves not only as the Mets network, but – as they say – a home for all New York sports.

If this ever happens, maybe more fans start watching SNY more often, the network gains popularity, and so do the Mets.  Also, they might just feed some more money into the Mets organization.

High hopes?  Yeah.  But I’m a dreamer.

H/T Geoffrey Sorensen