
Catch-22: Pagan or Alou

As I reported last night, Moises Alou will play in a rehab game in Port St. Lucie, possibly as early as this weekend.

When Alou is ready to come back to the team, the Mets will be faced with a very tough decision. Angel Pagan, who has been playing in place of Alou, has easily been the Mets best hitter so far in this young season. Pagan has been on base in every game so far this season, going 15-39, for a .385 AVG. Pagan has driven in 10 runs, scoring nine times, and knocking five doubles. Pagan also delivered a game winning hit in the 12th inning against the Phillies a few days ago.

So we've established Pagan is good. Maybe he's just on a hot streak, maybe he's matured as a hitter, only time will tell. But if Alou comes back and Pagan is still hot, who do the Mets play?

Alou is a professional hitter, there is no doubt about that. We saw it last year with his 30-game hitting streak. In the field though, he plays his age (41) and is slow as molasses. The Mets have been getting big hits from Pagan, and would most likely get the same from Alou.

I say stick with Pagan, sort of. Work Alou into games early, play him a few innings giving him a few AB's and pinch hitting him early until he gets his swagger back. Keep Alou fresh down the stretch because they're going to need a strong bat down the stretch. Platooning them, with the favor towards Pagan, would be the best bet, I feel. Pagan could also see time in right field if Ryan Church hits a low spell.

Either way, I think it's a great tough decision to have. Two very good outfielders fighting for a spot. This is something the Mets haven't been faced with in recent years, and they should reap the benefits from this logjam of talent in the outfield.