
Enemy Territory: Philly phans react

Yes, I read Phillies blogs. I also read Braves, Marlins, Nationals, and Yankee blogs. It's a keep your friends close and enemies closer type of thing. Here's some reaction after last nights game...

Offensively, I’ve never been less impressed with an eight-run comeback. Sorry to spoil what little cheer you have this morning, campers. They let Pedro Martinez off the hook a couple times, particularly in the fourth. The offense keeps peppering in just enough poor at bats to spoil their momentum against halfway decent pitching, which is all Pedro was last night.
True. Pedro wasn't spectacular, but it was a boost to Mets fans to see him not flat-out struggle through his start. Two solo home runs allowed, in that park, doesn't seem too bad.

Phillies Nation:

They gave it their all when the chips were completely off the table. Come to think, maybe that was why they gave it their all — without much pressure to mount a huge comeback, they mounted a huge comeback. They just didn’t do enough.
With the loss and a Marlins win, the Phils are now 1.5 games in front. The Mets are only 2.5 back now, and coming on strong.
Again, I must tip my hat to the Phillies, who were down by nine runs at one point and were able to battle back to within one. It was a great game that should have never been.

Oh man, it's great to see that in writing. The Mets are coming on strong. That has to make you smile.

A comment from OZ on Phillies Nation:

not feeling good ladies & gents…we were supposed to remind folks that we were a high end NL team - losing 3 of 4 to the Muts?! ugghhh.
Sell! Sell! Sell!
I seriously hope he's kidding.

Sort of.