
Live from Fan Fest: There are mascots among us

I have never in my life seen so many mascots all congregated in one place.

I've seen mascots I've never even heard of, nevermind seen before.
Who the heck is Gapper?

As reported earlier, I witnessed the awesomeness that is TC the Twins
mascot. I watched him drill at least two balls well out of the "park"
en route to a sure victory. I was not around for the trophy
presentation, so if anyone saw who actually won and/or their victory
dance, please let me know.

Some of these mascots are...nothing. They remind me of the Philly
Phanatic, a creature that is absolutely nothing at all. Not like Mr.
Met is anything feasible, but sometimes it doesn't even seem like they
try to be creative.

Just give it green fur and a purple tail or something, the kids will love it!