
2K8 commercial

Have you seen it?
It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Here's what happens: There is a man polishing a bat with a towel, counting "89...90...91..." Jose Reyes walks into the clubhouse with a radio playing some sort of reggae music or something. (Someone tells me this is the "Jose! Jose! Jose!" chant. Shows how much I pay attention.) Reyes turns toward his locker as the man stops polishing his bat (insert own joke here) and bashes the radio to smithereens. Reyes turns around in shock, and starts hysterically laughing. Then he has a little spasm, and the commercial cuts to video game footage.

What. Just. Happened?

I really just have no idea why that part of the commercial exists. I guess it's funny when Reyes just starts laughing and has an apparent muscle spasm.

Other than that though, I'm lost. If anyone can explain it to me, I'd be happy to post it up to the site.

Update: Joe at Mets Today and I must have the same train of thought. This just popped up in my Google Reader after I published this.