
Live Commentary: Dodgers at Mets 3/5

I'm going to run some live commentary for today's game. It's a little different from live blogging, as I don't do a play-by-play recap, just different notes and observations throughout the game. I should get the first 5 innings down here, before I have to trudge off to class.

First inning:
Johan Santana was a little wild with his first batter, not coming close to the zone a few times, and eventually walking him. He's consistently missing high, very high, bringing Raul Casanova to a standing position to field some balls. Santana strikes out Andruw Jones with a great pitch, and shows a bit of emotion, hopping off the mound. I love it. Santana works his way out of trouble in the first.

Anderson Hernandez gets on with a chopper up the middle that was misplayed by Young and Hu. This is all he needs to do if he ever wants to play in the bigs. Put the bat on the ball and hope it squeaks through a hole. David Wright is simply amazing at going the other way. I love when he pops one into right field. After loading the bases, Olmedo Saenz grounds into an inning ending double play. And that's why he has zero shot at making the team.

Second inning:
I'm also watching the Yankees / Twins game, as my roommate is a Yankees blogger (Scott Proctor's Arm) and Michael Kay just mentioned that Minnesota had to trade Santana away to the Boston Red Sox. I just looked at our other TV, and chuckled, as Santana strikes out Andy Laroche. Woah, I thought Brady Clark made that catch. Chopper up the middle, Dodgers score. 1-0 L.A., inning over.

Fernando Martinez drives one to the warning track for a leadoff double. He doesn't have the best running motion, so hopefully the Mets don't try and change that. (See: Jose Reyes) Casanova grounds out to first, and Clark attempts an unnecessary takeout slide, doesn't touch the bag, and is easily tagged out. Martinez scores, 1-1. Just a silly mistake by Clark, who needs a lot of things to go his way to find himself in Shea at the end of March.

Third inning:
Santana K's another. And another. And then induces a ground out. 4 strikeouts as his day is probably done. Final line: one run, two hits, one walk, four strikeouts. Very good day.

Reyes called out for running inside the base line. Shenanigans. Legend Ralph Kiner is in the booth. I love him, so much. Too bad it was a quick inning. 1-2-3, still tied at one. Kiner will be back after the break.

Fourth inning:
Steven Register is in the game, and quickly gets a fly out to center for the first out. Register is my dark horse to make the team. And just as quickly he allows a single to Laroche. Why does Wright always make his throws to first so interesting? Nice inning by Register, who struck out his last batter. I really like this guy.

Ex-Dodger and ex-Met Chan Ho Park is on the mound. Remember that start he made for us? Yecch! Pagan keeps it up, adding another single to his already great spring training numbers. Keith Hernandez says he has "Mad skillz." Saenz lines out, and Pagan almost gets picked off, but Laroche comes off the bag. Whew. Martinez is putting together a tough AB here, and works a walk out of it. 2 on, 1 out for Clark. Here's your chance. Clark K's, not good. Casanova K's to end the threat.

And that will be it for me. When the season rolls along, and games are at night, you'll get full game commentary instead of this shortened version.