
Apologies are in order

Hello everyone, Andrew Vazzano here. I'm the creator, writer and editor of this website and I think something needs to be addressed.

If you're making your way here from another websites comments section, I'm talking directly to you. A kid has been going around literally spamming my blog in the comments of tons of different websites and blogs across the 'net. I want to say that I am deeply sorry.

I know it sucks to get that pointless, worthless comment that adds nothing to the conversation and you can tell is absolutely just a way to drive traffic to your site. I hate those comments.

So again, I am sorry for those spammed comments. If you are here, feel free to stick around and throw in your two cents on whatever you want. Feel free to e-mail me with further questions or comments.

Thanks, and again, I am sorry,
Andrew Vazzano