Possibly the worst news the team could receive after his performance yesterday, Johan Santana was injured in a taxi accident late last night while heading out to get Mexican food after the game.
REALLY? You think the team would have learned by now and gotten some safe drivers to take the team around Miami!!

I cannot believe this is happening. It's typical Mets for us to land a player and have him break a leg and an arm and loose his front two teeth the day after he makes his first appearance.
Literally, this is some of the worst news I've ever heard.
For gosh sakes, I'm in shock as if it was one of my own family members.
Originally, this was reported on ESPN, but it has now been picked up by many other sources.
Obviously, the Mets and fans everywhere are going to be absolutely crushed and destroyed at hearing this news. It is unsure if he'll ever pitch again.
Legitimately, why this team? Since September '06, have we been cursed or something?
So there you have it. Santana injured in a car accident. Great.
Pass this along to other Mets fans and give them a little scare!
For some crosstown tomfoolery, check out Scott Proctor's Arm.