
To: Media and Mets fans everywhere Subject: Stop whining

Dear all media outlets and Mets bloggers, commenters, and fans,

Please, for the love of everything holy, please stop making a story out of this Carlos Delgado curtain call snub. This is the most inane story about a complete non-story. Why does it matter if he took a curtain call or not? He didn't feel it was right, and that's that.

He claims he only took two in his career, though Adam Rubin found out he's done more, but why in the world do we care? He hit two home runs, something he's done plenty of times before. The amount of crap I've read on this topic is insane.

Two days later, I can't believe more and more stories are coming out about Delgado's curtain call. OK, there was no game yesterday, so you need something to write about, but this?! I'm at the point where I just skip by anything with the words "Delgado," "Curtain," and "Snub."

Just stop. It's stupid. Delgado can do whatever he wants, and if he didn't feel it was the right time for a curtain call, then that's the end of the story right there.

Andrew Vazzano