
Throw more junk

As I attempted to track the Mets game via text to Google and texts from a Yankee fan, I was glad to see the Mets take the lead and hold it. I'm down in Gettysburg, and we were visiting the battlefields when the game was getting close and tight at the end.

I flipped on the radio as we drove from one monument to another, and was able to make out Howie Rose's voice crackling through just as Billy Wagner was set to throw his payoff pitch to Morgan Ensberg to end the game. I yelled and clapped as usual, scaring my parents and cousins, and quickly shot off a victory text to my Yankee buddy.

I'm glad to hear and read that this team finally played like the well oiled machine that it is built to be. They're capable both at the plate and in the field. This win is no sweeter because it's the Yankees, but a win is a win for the Mets, and that's really all that matters.

My one problem I have with this is Johan Santana and his tango with the long ball. Santana gave up three more dingers today, brining him up to 11 on the season. I know Santana likes to challenge batters, trying (and usually succeeding) to strike out batters, but Santana needs to throw more balls, more junk if you will.

Get batters to swing at stuff out of the zone, stuff they can't hit over the walls. I'd rather see some swinging bunts as players barely get a bat onto the ball rather than balls flying over the wall.

So, Johan. I love you, and you've been freakin' awesome, but please, throw more junk!