
Two notes: The Kid wants in and FJM takes down Lakas

Gary Carter is my new favorite choice for the next manager of the Mets, and not for purely nostalgic purposes, either.

Bart Hubbuch relays a quote from Carter while appearing on an XM sports show:
The comments that David Wright made saying that, you know, there’s no spark, there’s no fire [on the Mets]. If anything I would love to bring that to the table because you know me, guys. I love the game, have a great passion for it and you know my enthusiasm and hopefully I would be able to bring that to maybe help turn that ball club around.
Hire him. Now. That is the kind of talk I want to hear from a manager. Fire, passion and enthusiasm are all qualities I want in a manager.

Seriously, hire him.

And my all-time favorite blog, Fire Joe Morgan, takes down Paul Lakas, a self-proclaimed Mets fan and all around fool.

Lakas goes on some crazed, seemingly drunk tirade about how much he hates Mike Piazza for some of the most ridiculous reasons in the world. FJM breaks it down and makes him look like a fool. And rightfully so.