
Would you root for the New York Burros?

I was browsing one of my favorite sites today, mental_floss, and I came across an article entitled “What Your Favorite Team Was Almost Called.”

Obviously, this deals with the Mets, otherwise it wouldn’t be here.  Here’s what mental_floss had to say…

11. The New York Skyliners
Before the New York Mets started play in 1962, they considered a list of names that included the Skyliners, the Skyscrapers, the Bees, the Burros, the Continentals, and the Jets.

The New York Burros.  Interesting.  I get what they were trying to do with the “boroughs” = “burros” thing, but that name would backfire in the team’s face as soon as they performed poorly.

And since we all know a little Mets history, that 1962 season would have been quite interesting if they were in fact called the Burros.

And that makes two animal images on the blog today.