
Twitter Poll: Do you want Aubrey Huff and who would you give up to get him?

Aubrey Huff was the difference maker in the latter two games of the series in Baltimore.  He’d been in rumors tied to the Mets before, but this may have ratcheted up to the next level.

Last night, I asked my Twitter followers if they would like to see Huff on the Mets and to name the players they would give up to get him.

Here are their responses…

PaulsRandomStuf said: I'm not really interested in Huff. I'd like to trade Parnell for Nick Johnson though.

jeremymyerson said: I'd do Murphy for Huff. Don't know what the O's would want.

mikexdavis said: He's not big enough of a guy for me to give up any of the top prospects.

CharlesRockwell said: Stokes, Niese, nick evans, mike bordick & rey ordonez

gabefarkas said: not really, where would we play him? i guess it depends on what we give up...

patrickboegel said: No & no one

NikkiCJ said: absolutely... I'd give up Wilson Valdez.

metgirl4ever said: I think any trade will prove useless...there's no vaccine for our bad mojo...just gotta wait it out like a fever

darknova306 said: Huff won't put us over the top. One bat won't change things enough. The rest of the team sucks when it matters. Done.

fscker said: Murphy did fine tonight. I see no advantage to adding payroll for a guy we only need until @carlosdelgado21 gets back.

Mets_Fever said: - yes - and you have to make it worth the pick they wont get so it will be a top pros. and something else

samtpage said: I'll take Huff for someone useless like Kunz.

matthawco said: Ike Davis and Michael Antonini

gregpomes said: I think Huff would be good for the Mets. I think Murph would go, most likely Kunz, not sure if that's enough, Niese as well?

gecko32899 said: Then the whole right side of our infield won't be able to catch a pop up.

Not on Twitter?  Hit the comments to discuss Huff and possible trade chips.

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