
Twitter Poll: One move for the Mets, what would it be?

Everyone (OK, maybe not everyone) wants to run/own/control a team.  I asked my Twitter followers what they would do if they had one move to make for the Mets.

Roster move, coaching staff change, uniforms, front office…anything.  Here are some responses…

dmoneymania said: Bring back those Blue road uni's with the silver lettering and orange trim. Heck yeah!

Ceetar said: Any Mets change? Playerwise, Holliday. non-player, Manuel for Carter, Valentine, or someone else.#firemanuel

cutiepie0319k said: bye bye omar!! #fireomar

chrisbirckhead said: Plain and simple, fire Omar

saffir_99 said: Hire people who actually know a bit about baseball and not try to compete with the Yankees

wendy93639 said: ONE?! I don't think I can choose. ...ditch Jerry for starters. Anyone else can't be much worse.

tyronem said: ship ollie perez for a bunch of stale ritz crackers.

darknova306 said: In all seriousness, though, my move would be to replace the owners.

What about you?

Hit the comments to discuss what one (1) move/change you would make for the Mets.