
More on Zack Hample

This long message was posted in the comments late last night.  Give it a read [sic’d].

I was just at a game and this guy (and a film crew now) came and sat in the same section as me in Camden Yards. Actually the row in front of me. So I got the great pleasure of watching this clown and his entourage sprint from side to side coming close to knocking over kids or whatever got in his way. When asked by the film crew he showed them numerous bruises he has attained in the past few weeks when he had collisions with and other near collisions with other fans. I told the person I went with that if he came close to running into me he would get an elbow and I hoped they got it on film. I swear it would have made ESPN top ten.

Oh, and this guy can't even be called a fan! He changes team shirts, hats, whatever to get a pity ball. Thousands of little kids, true team fans, have been robbed of the experience of getting a player, possibly a legend or their favorite player, to toss them a ball while at the one game they might have the money to buy a ticket for all year. Instead this jerk changes shirts sprints in front of an 8 yr old and gets the ball. He's like the guys in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that try to steal the golden ticket from Charlie Bump. Way to ruin the fan experience of people that can't afford to travel to every stadium and attend games all summer. Part of the allure of baseball and why it is America's pastime is not all what happens on the field. It's the experience at the park, believe me I'm an O's fan. I still convince myself to go because I love Camden Yards and the experience not Cesar Izturis batting .195 and making terrible throws to first.

The sights, the smells, the possibility of getting to your seat and getting a perfectly hit homerun land right in your hand. Sing take me out to the ballgame. Is he part of the song? Watch the end of Field of Dreams where James Earl Jones describes the fans coming to Iowa. At any point did he include some moron sprinting down the isle to snag a foul ball? NO! Many people follow him or ask advice or how to get a ball. This should show him seriously how much his effect has had on other fans. They feel like they don't have a shot unless they join his ranks. It's sad... I will say I still had a good time considering I caught BP ball hit right at me with my bare hands as one of his followers tried climbing over me with a glove. I told him good try, and laughed at him. Side note: Ballparks need to make a rule that children under 15 are the only ones permitted with gloves. Come on man, your 30 something, grow up and be a man bare hand it.

Seriously, poor Orioles fans.