
Happy Mets-tivus

Today, Dec. 23, marks the celebration of Festivus. Today, we will go through the many rituals of Festivus, of course dealing with the Mets, so why don't we just call this "Mets-tivus."festivusBreak out your aluminum poles, and let us begin with the Airing of Grievances:

This first one is easy. Francisco Rodriguez. What the heck, man? It’s not enough to force me to get prescription strength Rolaids for when you pitch, but then you have to go and do something so incredibly stupid, like hitting your significant other’s father at Citi Field? As those men on ESPN say on Sundays, “C’mon man!” That’s scummy on so many levels.

Omar Minaya. Well, thanks for 2006. The rest, though not 100 percent your fault, wasn’t spectacular, to say the least. Goodbye and good riddance. You might be a good scout, but this GM position just wasn’t for you. Buh-bye.

Anyone that thought Jenrry Mejia as a reliever was a good idea.

The Philadelphia Phillies. Just, everything about them.

On to the Festivus Miracles:FestivusPole

Sandy! A step in the right direction for the organization.

Paul! See: Above.

J.P.! See: Above.

Terry! See: Above.

And finally, the Feats of Strength:

What a season Angel Pagan had in 2010. I’m very excited to see what he can do in left field (or center field) next season.

Ike Davis and his over-the-railing catches. A true feat of physical prowess.

And to us, the Mets fans, for returning year after year after year to the team that does little to give back, especially in terms of wins. We are one of, if not the strongest set of fans around. We’ve put up with a lot, but there seems to be a new direction this franchise is going in, and hopefully we will be rewarded for our perseverance.

Oh, and Ronny Paulino’s PED usage.

Happy Mets-tivus, everyone!