Last night’s final play was an iconic play in Mets history, albeit a terrible and forgetful one.
A few minutes after it happened, I took to Twitter and asked my followers what they did when Luis Castillo dropped the ball. Here’s my account of what I did.
dazed87 said: Took my dad to the hospital...
NoFrenz said: Well, I WAS jumping up screaming "YES!" until...
dave_doyle said: I utilized the barf bag after I saw Castillo drop the ball.
thebrowncoat said: Tried to figure out WHY THE HELL WE WALKED TEIXIERA TO PUT THE WINNING RUN ON BASE.
maverick4880 said: After he dropped it I laughed and thru my hands up in the air!!!
mtmcq said: Cursed genetics for the fact I'm left handed.
JazItUp4U said: I watched my boyfriend just throw his whole dinner @ the T.V. when he saw Castillo dropped the ball. LoL
letsgoduke said: i complained for 5 min straight
Holler33 said: attempting to get blacked out
matthawco said: I was Speechless
matthawco said: And how much would it cost to hire a hitman?
swirlywand said: I actually had a little giggle fit (as in really these things only happen to us) scared myself with psycho laugh
metsjetsgirl said: yelled in quasi-disbelief.
tyronem said: I was half estatic, half cautious on the couch...he's moving too much...*drop* - then fetal position on couch.
tyronem said: cursing, cursing, hands on head, cursing, wishing bodily harm #Mets
kerelcoop said: I typed: stunned... #mets on my twitter account and went down in the basement to grab the bottle of Jack Daniels
metsfan said: Slammed my laptop ( shut, left the house.
artincircles said: Can't remember, I was in mid-celebration and high-fives.
MetsGal said: screamed obscenities.
metgirl4ever said: I yelled WHAT THE F*** at the tv...
fsolomon75 said: I screamed NO and rocked back and forth in the corner.
TheWrighWay said: I grabbed one my my baseball cards of him and ripped it up
thebrowncoat said: New answer - told my wife what just happened - and she didn't care as usual. So I drowned my sorrow with other Twitterers.
DaCurryman said: Threw my iPhone on the table and stepped outside od the bar to scream and curse. Then stopped talking to my friends. So angry.
ratizzle13 said: printing out a picture of Castillo and making it a dart board
harrycalat said: afterwards: I opened bottle of tequila, I'll be inside it all night.
shyonelung said: turned the f***ing tv off.
pjdempsey said: Twitter.
V_RB said: Cussed and laughed simultaneously.
Vijay7 said: I actually laughed after the ball hit the ground, cuz there really was nothing else to do at that point
jessie613 said: I screamed some unmentionable words!!!
NoFrenz said: Well, now I have a broken remote that I owe Comcast for. However, it shattered nicely - no splintering.
metsfanscott said: i cried and twittered
waynejgilbert said: threw my iPhone lol hey it still works!
wendy93639 said: drooled out of my hugely agape mouth.
cwb75 said: Me: Dead.... freakin.... Silence. My Mom in the other room: "HOLY S***!" it was not a pretty sight
frequencyskye said: i paid my dad the $$ i owed him for our bet ... sucks having a Yankees fan for a parent especially during the subway series!
agsilver51 said: Sat in silent, stunned amazement staring at the wall wondering WTF just happened!?!?!?!?!
crazywater said: Scream
nymetz3007 said: screamed
mikexdavis said: I had burgers on the grill. I smelled 'em burning but was going to wait for the out. I burned my burgers for Luis Castillo.
JoaquinOrellana said: I slammed my fist. I really hate that guy. If only I could slam my fist on his face...
Retire31 said: I packed my stuff, walked out of my house, got on a plane, and went to vacation.
YaGottaBKiddnMe said: i couldn't move, i couldn't speak, i clicked off the tv & silently watched the phils lose to the sox on gameday
darknova306 said: I walked out of my friend's place and drove home. I'm not stunned. This is something I expect more often. Our D is s***.
hush_lorentz said: Thought of Wagner's 4 run BS and we have a new winner!