
The Manny Saga: See ya next year

Manny Ramirez finally signed a two-year, $45 million deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers. The deal is structured so that after one year, Ramirez can opt-out and hit the free agent market again.

That means even though he's signed for two-years, there is no doubt in my mind we'll be going through the same shenanigans again in 2010.

That means we'll have to hear all about if...
  • Daniel Murphy performed well enough in left field to justify another year there.
  • The Wilpons are willing to spend the money to sign him.
  • They even have enough money to sign him.
  • The Mets even need him.
  • Anyone will still want him.
So even though we've all made it through the Ramirez show of 2009, we just have to buck up and prepare for it all over again in one year.